Entrants may submit supplemental documentation to elaborate on their zero carbon design and the process around it. Examples of some of the possibilities are shown below as inspiration; other elements may be included.
A table, like the example below, can quickly and clearly show the performance-related characteristics of a building and demonstrate how the low carbon goal is being met. As with the required mechanical documentation, where applicable, ensure your specifications meet or exceed the Title 24 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards.
Source: Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings, Volume 2 (West Berkeley Library) by Edward Dean
A diagram depicting the major components of the HVAC system or systems serving spaces can be at the unit or building level.
The following diagrams are examples from entries from sources not connected to this competition and are meant to be for reference only.
Mode 1. Heating Season Operation. In this mode, the radiant heating system is on and the passive ventilation system admits the minimum amount of outdoor air as required by code.
Source: Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings, Volume 2 (West Berkeley Library) by Edward Dean
Mode 2. Swing Season Operation. No heating required and the amount of outdoor air required for fresh air and (at times) cooling varies. The wind chimney drives the air flow through the building spaces.
Mode 3. Cooling Season Operation− Good Wind Conditions. Increased amounts of outside air are required for cooling purposes. Designated skylights open to allow movement of larger volumes of outdoor air.
Mode 4. Cooling Season Operation− Poor Wind Conditions. System design includes backup fans at skylight shafts to engage and ensure air flow under poor wind conditions and for night purging using cool night air. (Skylights are closed)
Source: Integral Group, taken from Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings (Packard Foundation Headquarters) by Edward Dean
Mode 5. Operation in Peak Cooling Events. Outdoor air is too warm for cooling, so full cooling mode with radiant slab cooling via heat pumps engages. The passive ventilation system admits the minimum amount of outdoor air as required by code.
Source: Integral Group, taken from Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings (Packard Foundation Headquarters) by Edward Dean
Source: “Zero Emission” - BAR Architects; 2015 Competition
Source: “Zero Emission” - BAR Architects; 2015 Competition
PASSIVE STACK EXHAUST: Single loaded corridor combined with operable windows allows for natural cross ventilation throughout the unit and on those occasions with warmer or hot weather in San Francisco, the window placement aids night flushing of the unit for greater occupant comfort.
HYDRONIC BASEBOARD RADIATOR: Part of a shared solar thermal domestic hot water loop which uses water as a highly efficient means to transfer heat from the centralized solar thermal panels. Placement beneath the window helps to temper any radiation of cold which may be felt by the occupant.
OPERABLE WINDOWS: Allows for natural ventilation. Using low/high placement of operable panes, in combination with operable panes at the opposite side of the unit, permits occupants a high degree of control, expanding the comfort range and improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) contributing to increased occupant comfort and wellness.
CEILING FANS: Very low energy devices providing increased air movement and greater occupant control for an expanded comfort range, improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and contributing to increased occupant comfort and wellness.
LIGHT WELLS: Opening up the circulation side of the traditional double-loaded corridor allows for cross ventilation of units, provides more natural light over more of the interior (greater day-light autonomy) and helps balance the daylighting for a higher quality of light.
SHADING SCRIM: Translucent, lightweight and durable panels, suspended on cables in front of the south and west facades, the density of the scrim directly responds to the annual solar insolation falling on the façade, allowing all units to maintain a maximum amount of glass while still maintaining a comfortable interior environment. On the north and east façades, the solar insolation is lower so the scrim is not required and the interior comfort can be maintained with a high performance envelope and glazing.
Ultimately, it is the behavior of the occupants that determines a building’s energy consumption and emissions. How does the design account for and influence occupant behavior?
How does the building use energy at any given time? Occupants would be able to view the building’s normalized energy usage relative to the net zero budget.
Renewable energy production would be displayed in real time, as well as over the last week, month, and prior 12 month period.
Source: “Conspicuous Consumption” - Weber Thompson; 2015 Competition
“As building’s set lower resource use goals and employ active strategies to achieve those goals the role of occupants is critical. There is an opportunity to address how high-performance buildings affect occupants (comfort) and how occupants can in-turn affect building performance (engagement). Occupant is defined as anyone inhabiting a building full or part time, visitors and maintenance staff. People are now a vital building “system”. The following strategies are market-ready solutions to affect occupant-controlled energy use and behavior:
Sustainable Practices Guidebook: Each unit has a manual with best practices graphically illustrated
Operable Windows: occupants instructed with red light / green light signal next to panel
Smart Thermostat / Monitoring: Programmable thermostats with continuous energy use dashboard
Instructional Signage: Common spaces have educational signage installed throughout
Site Planning: Bike parking is located adjacent to and within proximity of external stairs. The intent is to encourage use of stairs over elevators as there is a load demand from multiple elevator cores within the project.”
Source: “Conspicuous Consumption” - Weber Thompson;
2015 Competition
Highlight decarbonization, equity, and resiliency design considerations in section drawings.
How does the particular climate of the site inform the building design? How have passive strategies been incorporated into the design? How will these strategies perform under extreme weather events?
Source: “Homeostasis” - Wei Yan, Edward Clark; 2012 Competition
Psychrometric Charts
Graphic depictions of the physical and thermodynamic properties of air, such as dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, enthalpy, relative humidity, humidity ratio, and dew-point temperature, and their relationship to comfort zones. The charts are used to inform the inclusion of passive design strategies based on their effectiveness to the given, specific location. Autodesk provides reference articles¹ to help understand and utilize psychrometric charts.
Source: “Silver Streak” - Loisos + Ubbelohde; 2012 Competition
Wind Roses
Graphically represent the frequencies of wind direction and speed, allowing for quick interpretations and understanding of dominant wind patterns. While the image provided gives a summary for the average wind speeds in Visalia, CA throughout the year, Iowa State University also provides monthly breakdowns for the wind data.²
Source: “Wind Roses” - Iowa State University, Iowa Environmental Mesonet 2021
1Autodesk Psychrometric Chart guides, Part-1 and Part-2
2Iowa State University: Iowa Environmental Mesonet - Wind Roses